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June 18, 2020

Factors to Consider When Looking at Industrial Warehouses

Purchasing industrial warehouses as investment properties is typically an excellent idea. Despite the uncertain circumstances caused by the coronavirus, industrial real estate still saw great success. Companies are always in need of warehouse space, no matter if they do in-person or online operations. With that being said, industrial warehouses are almost always occupied by a tenant, which means purchasing one is a great idea. In this blog post, we are going to explain what to look for in a warehouse to ensure it is a great investment.

What to Look For in Industrial Warehouses

Excellent Location

When it comes to purchasing an industrial warehouse, the most important factor is location. It should be in an area where the tenant's employees can commute to easily. This means near a larger city that has a significant population size. Also, it should be close to a major highway, so trucks can get to the loading docks with ease. This will encourage higher productivity rates as the truck drivers can pull off the road, load up the trailer, and get going again. Additionally, this can save your tenants excess costs, and can potentially get them more customers when they see their amazing productivity rates. When your tenants have success at your location, they will be more likely to stay in your space for several years.

Size of industrial warehouseThe Size of the Industrial Warehouse

Another very important factor is the size of the industrial warehouse. Of course, you don't want your warehouse to be too small to fit your tenant's merchandise and employees. Or, you don't want them to grow out of it within a year. At the same time, you don't want your warehouse to be too large for your products and employees. This is why choosing the right size warehouse for your needs is so important.

To choose the correct size of your warehouse, you will want to take a look at which industry you would like to target. When doing this, you should consider what the booming industries are in the city or state you are purchasing a property in. Once you choose an industry, you will need to look at the average warehouse square footage needed. Your commercial real estate broker should be able to tell you this, and there are online resources to find this information. Then, look for warehouses that are around the same size, if not slightly larger. Being the option with the most space will prove to be desirable among tenants.

Consider Buying an Industrial Warehouse With an Office Area

Many of our clients choose to purchase industrial warehouses that include an office area. This is a highly valuable feature that many property owners do not think of. In almost every warehouse, there is likely a management team that handles business activities concerning finances, employee management, employee records, and more. This management team benefits from being at the same location as their employees, rather than having to drive from another location. When your property features an office area for the managers, it is much more valuable. You will save the tenant from renting out a second space, and you make it easier on the staff. Fit Small Business has an excellent layout on their website including an office space example.

Cost per Square Footage

Another important factor when purchasing industrial warehouses concerns budgeting. The cost per square footage depends on the property's condition, as well as its location. There are many markets in which industrial warehouses are booming due to the low cost per square footage. However, there are other markets that are failing because of the price of buying and leasing industrial space. For example, in San Francisco, California, you can find industrial warehouses for sale for upwards of $320 per square foot (in mid-2020). However, in Memphis, Tennessee, you can find similar listings for under $20 per square foot. Clearly, in Memphis, you would have much more wiggle room to make a profit off of your tenant's lease payments. In San Francisco, you would likely struggle to find a tenant who is willing to pay what it takes for you to make a significant profit.

Our office is in Salt Lake City, Utah, and we have many industrial warehouse listings. This post is being written in mid-2020, and we are seeing warehouses be sold at around $115 to $170 per square foot. However, these prices can go up and down depending on the market and seller, as do properties in other cities. But, as you can see, prices are subjective to the city and state you are in. So, be sure you take this into account before investing in industrial warehouses. You want to find a listing in a great area (which does increase the sale price), but also a listing that allows you to make a profit at a reasonable rate.

Purchasing Industrial Warehouses as Investments

At the end of the day, purchasing an industrial warehouse is typically an excellent investment. However, when you keep the factors above in mind during your search, you are much more likely to be happy with your investment. If you need the services of a commercial real estate broker in Salt Lake City, feel free to contact us. Our team would love to assist you and help you find a property that you can make a smart investment in.

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